
March 21, 2017: As a traditional British trained doctor I had symptoms for which western medicine has no solution. My son had used the centre and, although a very sceptical person, he enthused about the treatment he received and its effectiveness. I decided to try it out. Absolutely brilliant! Both doctors are very well trained in Chinese and Western medicine. My consultation was much more thorough than most specialist examinations by western consultants. The problem was identified and I was given acupuncture to treat it and in addition I also had some deep massage and cupping for some neck pain, which has already helped enormously. I have herbal pills to take twice daily and I have a repeat appointment in one week. I am very impressed already and if my main problem is alleviated, as predicted, I will be absolutely delighted. I thoroughly recommend this alternative treatment for those cases where western medicine has no effective answer and no holistic approach.

Christine D

Dr. Cailong and Dr.Jane. What a charming couple they are. Dr. Cailong Fang has really helped my mother who suffers from chronic arthritis a nd blood pressure, and has been in a lot of pain. She is elderly ,but since seeing Dr. cailong, she has been feeling so much b etter. Her mobility is so improved Sndis so much happier in herself. For that i than k you both.

Sheila M

Jane treats both myself and my daughter who has Cerebral Palsy. I'd highly recommend her to anyone... after years of back pain through lifting my disabled daughter, I hardly get any problems any more. I wish I'd tried acupuncture years ago! Amazing place.

Stephanie B

On returning from Kili I was feeling utterly exhausted and suffering from a dodgy tum - had a couple of treatments of acupuncture and cupping at the Chinese Medical Centre in Chandlers Ford and after the first one, definitely felt I'd turned a corner. Lovely people and such a calm and caring atmosphere. Couldn’t recommend them enough. — at Chinese Medical Centre Chandlers Ford.

Helen B

To: Dr S. L Surgery

At an arranged appointment 10 Sept 2014 I briefly mentioned to you the success I felt I had with acupuncture to overcome long term intermittent pain in my feet caused by diabetic neuropathy. Due to a shortage of time I promised to write a fuller account.I have had this pain for many years now and have been taking the maximum dose of gabapentin and also duloxetine but the pain has never subsided and eventually the pain was with me for about 65% of the time. Specifically the pain has been historically in my left foot in a number of areas. These areas are my big toe top surface, the area between my big toe and the connection to the next toe, the middle two toes top surface, the area immediately behind these two toes on the top surface of my foot and an area on the outer side of my foot. All these areas were subject to an intense burning sensation. The inner side of my foot about centre length and height was subject to an intense searing bolt of pain. Frequently the pain was so intense that I kept a bottle of whisky by my bedside as I found that the only way I could get to sleep was a large slug of whisky and again during the night to continue sleeping. Dr Hood first gave me acupuncture and it was a revelation. Fifteen minutes after inserting the pins the pain totally subsided into nothing. I cannot recall how long the effect was maintained. Dr Hook then retired. Some months ago I decided to consult a Chinese acupuncturist, Dr Yangzhou (a qualified Doctor in China, specialising in the diabetes field, but non practising medicine in this country). She said, if I heard correctly, that the blood flow to my affected areas needed improving with acupuncture. I attended over a period of about six appointments when the pain decrease, whilst not as swift as Dr Hood’s, was very effective. Having a long term effective treatment to my left foot, my right foot then started with searing bolts of pain to the inside of the foot and a burning sensation to two of my toes. I re-attended the acupuncturist and the pain immediately started to decrease. It is some weeks now since my last treatment and the pain has returned but at a much lower level. My intention will be seek treatment when the pain returns. Please feel free to pass this information on to your medical colleagues. Dr Livoonchong at Winchester Hospital has shown interest in the acupuncture treatment and I have sent him a copy of this note. The acupuncturist is known as Jane Zhou. She is in the process of moving her office to 2 Bournemouth Road, Chandlers Ford and the office number is 023 8026 9998. The treatments take about 45 minutes and cost £45.
